3DMasterKit 11 release – triaxes.com

3DMasterKit 11 release


Welcome 3DMasterKit 11 and Legend 11 release with the build-in AI depth map generation!

What’s new:
1. New method of creating a depth map for layers using neural networks: AI-MiDaS to speed up 2D-3D conversion;
2. New pitch test options (additional control lines in the middle and at the edges, the ability to place pitch values over the code strips);
3. Accelerated encoding of a large pitch test due to more active use of RAM;
4. Lenticular settings (resolution and pitch-LPI) are saved between sessions.

1. Saving TIFF files: resolution values and compatibility with external image editing software;
2. Pitch test error (code stripes shift) when generating a pitch test larger than 4 GB.

Download the new versions:

Download the new version
3DMasterKit 11 https://triaxes.com/3dmasterkit/download/
Legend 11 https://triaxes.com/legend/download/
Become a member of the group “Lenticular Art, Printing & 3D Photography” to share ideas and experiences with colleagues around the world.

Watch a use case from Michael Brown on how to use AI depth map generation to create a 3D.

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2 Responses to “3DMasterKit 11 release”

  1. Mike Areola says:

    What is the price for 3DMasterkit 11? Can the software generate photo realistic and computer lenticular without printing?

    Thank you

    • Hello. The program does not generate photos on its own, but it can create a depth map for photos, which helps speed up the conversion process to 3D. A video from Michael Brown shows this process. You can find more details on working with the program at this link: https://triaxes.com/articles/2d-3d-conversion/
      As for creating lenticular images, the classic approach is to print using lenticular materials. Modern 3D displays also use lenticular screens to create a three-dimensional effect. The program can make images for such displays. An example in this video: https://youtu.be/MjghknfF7ys

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