StereoTracer v.10 release –

StereoTracer v.10 release


Triaxes has released the anniversary version of StereoTracer v.10
What’s new:
1. Creating a depth map for 2D photos using the built-in neural network algorithm.
2. Batch conversion of 2D to 2D +Depth.
3. One more way to visualize the generated frames for a quick assessment of the 3D effect.

Download StereoTracer v.10

Creating a depth map for 2D photos

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4 Responses to “StereoTracer v.10 release”

  1. Brian says:

    Good morning!

    I have downloaded the new Stereotracer, but not yet unzipped it. I had been using LeiaPix recently to create a depthmap from one image with AI, that was significantly better than the depthmap created from L & R images with the prior version of Stereotracer, but when I tried a few days ago, the ability to simply download a depthmap seemed to have been removed from website.

    Does this new stereotracer have an even better depth map creator from L & R images?

    Thank you for your continuing good work! As I am a 78-year-old on pensions, I am thankful for your 3D Master Kit which I use for lenticulars.

    Best regards,

    Brian Mason
    Victoria, BC, Canada

    • Hello Brian!
      Yes, StereoTracer 10 has a new function for generating Depth from 2D photos using the neural network method (AI-Depth). Meanwhile the algorithm depth map creation from L&R images (SBS stereo 3D) remains the same.
      But you can also try new AI – depth generation also for SBS pairs.
      All the best!

  2. juan domingo alarcon says:

    Cuanto cuesta ? Ademas me gustaria saber hasta que medida tiene mi licencia.Gracias

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