Meet StereoTracer 9.0.1 –

Meet StereoTracer 9.0.1


What’s new:

1.   45-View Quilt export for Looking Glass 3D Display;
2.   PSD image export updated (file size optimization);
3.   Extended parallax range for frame generation (Parallax: [0..100], Zero Parallax Plane: [-512…255]);
4.   Batch conversion updated (memory leak problem solved);
5.   JPG image export problems fixed;

Other updates:

1.  File naming when exporting;
2.  Fixed saving license information in a txt file from About box;
3.  Open target folder option added after exporting or generating frames as files;
4.  Folder creation for target path when exporting files;
5.  Activation code reading in Activation dilog.

Watch the video to see how the stereo pairs are converted for viewing on the 3D display.

*Use Lightfield Photo and Quilt Viewer from Looking Glass Factory to view 45-view frame sets prepared by StereoTracer.
Documentation can be found at this web address:

Download StereoTracer 9.0.1 from the product page!

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