3DMasterKit 10.3 and Legend 10.3 Update
Meet v. 10.3 of Triaxes 3DMasterKit and Triaxes Legend.
What’s new:
- Improved text readability in some controls when using the gray interface scheme.
- New layers are now added at a depth of “0” (z-axis position).
- Incorrect picture size on the Lenticular tab when starting new projects;
- Incorrect saving / opening large PSDDs (more than 2 GB);
- The loss and change of layers’ names when recording/reading PSDDs;
- Parallax values of the foreground and background were swapped when applied to the layer’s depth map;
- When resizing, the Navigator panel controls were not redrawn.
Get the update for free if you bought the software less than a year ago. If your software was purchased more than a year ago – get 75% off on the update.
To purchase the updated software – log in and follow the link in your profile, or contact us at info@triaxes.com.