Triaxes Legend — Release Notes –

Triaxes Legend — Release Notes

Legend 11.1.2 – July 2024


Legend 11.1 – June 2024

What’s new:


Legend 11.0.8 – May 2024

What’s new:


Legend 10.7.3 – August 2022


Legend 10.7.1 – July 2022

What’s new:


Legend 10.6.3 – February 2022

What’s new:


Legend 10.5 – October 2020

What’s new:

Fixed bugs:

Legend 10.3.1 – August 2020

Fixed bugs:

Legend 10.3 – August 2020

What’s new:

Fixed bugs:


Legend 10.2 – June 2020

Fixed bugs


Legend 10.1 – June 2020

What’s new:


Fixed bugs:

Legend 10 – April 2020

What’s new:



Legend 3.3 – September 2018


Legend 3.2 – July 2018

What’s new:


Legend 3.1.1 – December 2017

What’s new:

  1. Decimal values (3 figures) support for the print resolution (PPI) when the lenticular is generated: edit boxes are extended;
  2. Decimal values support for the print resolution (PPI) when the pitch-test is generated;
  3. Decimal values support for the print resolution (PPI) when the positioning frame is generated;
  4. File naming for exporting is updated.


  1. Absent layers when generating frames out of a multilayer template;
  2. Visual flaws when a depth map for layers is generated (when histogram correction is applied).

Legend – July 2017

What’s new:

  1. When a multi-view frame series is generated the automatic mode of frame number calculation allows to get a better 3D effect.
  2. Picture layout: alignment marks with advanced settings, dynamic centering marks, crop marks.
  3. Alignment marks generation modes: 3D, Flip, Custom.
  4. Dynamic marks defining the correct lens matching.
  5. Crop marks.
  6. Pitch-test generation into a PSB file.
  7. Play/Stop frame animation with Space-bar.
  8. Ability to lock the Crop Rect aspect ratio;
  9. Move instrument for the relative shift of the source frames;
  10. Ability to change the measurement system (metric or US customary system).
  11. New online activation system. Now it is even easier to use the software.
  12. Transparent background support for the positioning frame and frame line color switch.
  13. Positioning frame can be saved to a PSB file.


  1. additional check of the valid values (min./max.) for some numeric fields
  2. saving templates into a PSDD file
  3. interface elements in the Pitch test dialog
  4. Russian words in the generated pitch-test.
  5. Interface fixes:
    – Lenticular tab – drop-down list with resolution and lpi values,
    – spin-arrows for numeric fields are added,
    – mouse cursor changes in different modes (move, rotate, scale) for 64-bit versions, etc.
    – Positioning frame dialog – drop-down lists for resolution and lpi.
  6. progress bar support (in Win 7)

Legend 2.2 – November 2013

What’s new:

  1. Pitch test dialog displays information on the size of the generated image.
  2. Default file name format is changed.
  3. Allowed LPI value range is extended (0.1 – 300).


  1. Pitch-test dialog, Crop Rect dialog and Positioning Frame dialog bugs.
  2. Scaling instrument (scroll boxes are not reset to the middle of the scroll bar).
  3. File resolution saved “from the screen”.

Legend 2.0 – July 2013

What’s new:

  1. Compatibility with Windows 8.
  2. Transparency support for the source frames is updated.
  3. Enhanced auto-alignment algorithm.